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5 micro-habits to stay positive amid bad news

Paramahansa Yogananda, the renowned yogi, once said, “Blessed are those who do not indulge in sensational news.” To that timeless wisdom, one might add, “Blessed, still, are those who do not read or consume distressing news.”
But in this 24/7 plugged-in world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the flood of bad news. There’s so much of it that at times it seems inescapable, leaving you anxious and somewhat apprehensive about your present and future. While you can’t control global events, or even those closer to home, you can choose how you respond and not let it affect you.
This is easier said than done. To go about with an air of detachment is one thing; to ignore reality as it unfolds is another. Instead, you can seek moments of light even in dark times and cultivate a more hopeful, positive mindset.
Here are five ways you can avoid being consumed by an endless cycle of bad news.
Focus on what’s in your hands, and not beyond your control
Good things happen every day. So, instead of dwelling on negative news beyond your control, seek out positive stories that inspire and uplift. Shifting your attention to the good things in life can make you feel good and help balance your perspective.
Be aware of what you read; limit your news consumption
If at all you must read news daily, whether out of habit or to stay informed, set boundaries on how much you consume. While online and digital platforms make it easier to stay updated with news from morning till night, they’re not always reliable and often focus more on problems than favourable outcomes. Being aware of your news intake means reading news without feeling drained.
Have meaningful conversations with positive people
Talk to people who are optimistic, who see solutions instead of problems, for they can make you feel better in stressful times. Be around positive people who act as a counterweight to all the negativity in the world. They will infuse you with hope and a renewed sense of possibility.
Take care of your mental and physical health
No bad news is worth ruining your health for. Prioritising self-care allows you to maintain a sense of balance in a chaotic world. A regimen of exercise, meditation, creative hobbies or whatever brings you joy can help you stay mentally strong. Additionally, these activities will take your mind off all the depressing news you read. When you feel good both mentally and emotionally, it becomes easier to see the world with clarity and pragmatism.
Replace disturbing news with small joyful moments
Small joys—a good book, a walk in the park, game time with family, a favourite song, etc.—tell you that there’s more to life than sordid news and that it’s filled with beauty and meaning. These little moments keep you rooted in the present and offer comfort amid all the uncertainty. They also help you from being overwhelmed by negativity and encourage a more positive outlook on life.
While no news is not always good news, a never-ending stream of alarming stories and doom-laden headlines can take a toll on your overall well-being.
© Pocketful of Happiness


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