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Rediscovering the human touch in greetings

Photo: Freepik
Technology-based networking is rendering the personal touch, impersonal.
Celebratory greetings on birthdays, anniversaries, festive occasions and achievements seem to have become a chore—often sent, or rather forwarded, more out of an obligation than a genuine desire to wish someone. A case of one-size greeting fits all.
Still, when it comes to greetings, it’s not the medium of communication that matters but the sentiment behind it. We do mean well even if we click and share the same forward to multiple recipients, and feel smug about it.
Forwards and text messages are the fastest, more efficient and widely used means of personal communication. They are the modern versions of the chain letters we used to receive by post, only non-manipulative and non-superstitious. They have replaced previous modes—local and trunk calls (excluding mobile calls), handwritten letters, telegrams and, to some extent, emails and short message services.
The octopus-like reach of digital and social networking has expanded our connections to such an extent that it’s challenging to keep in touch with everyone, including Facebook-divined second cousins, old friends and forgotten classmates, with a one-to-one phone call or an authentic and personalised message.
Given our fast-paced digital lifestyle, forwards may be useful and convenient when greeting someone on the go. But in our pursuit of speed and efficiency, we are losing something valuable—personal engagement. It doesn’t have to be that way. Our connections might be many and our interactions rushed, but time is seldom a constraint to prioritise the human touch.
© Pocketful of Happiness



There is definitely something about a handwritten letter or greeting card, isn't there? It's a really personal connection that you don't get in an email or a text. All of those are fine, and technology enables us to connect worldwide, but there's something about the human touch.


Margot, thank you for commenting. Speaking of letters and greeting cards, we have a postbox but all we receive now are bills and payment reminders. One does miss the simple joys of writing letters and dropping them in the neighbourhood letter box, and waiting for replies for the next several days. It was a satisfying pastime.

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