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Why appreciation culture matters in the workplace

Photo: Headway/Unsplash
Appreciation matters.
To anyone who has a job and takes home a salary.
But appreciation doesn’t always come easily. Even when we’re entitled to it. When it doesn’t, we do one of two things—we either react with disappointment but choose to swallow our hurt pride and get on with our work, or we assert ourselves and insist on the credit we deserve.
The absence of recognition in the workplace is like a company without a soul. Appreciation has a profound effect on employees as it makes them feel valued and instils a sense of belonging. Consequently, they’re more likely to continue in the organisation.
Most of us know what acknowledgment for a job well done feels like. It’s a powerful motivator. It boosts our morale and encourages us to work harder and smarter, emboldens us to take up challenging tasks, and be more productive. It inspires us to come up with new ideas and be extra creative and innovative at work.
So much so that we surpass not only our own expectations but also those of our employers.
In medium to large organisations, workplace appreciation usually starts with the immediate superiors. How they perceive a junior associate’s success at work and how they communicate the same to the leadership reveals the appreciation culture, or the lack of it, in an organisation.
The attitude of superiors or reporting managers, as they’re called these days, sets the tone for the work environment, team spirit, and the level of motivation and commitment most employees experience in the workplace. They can either be supportive or unhelpful in their behaviour.
For young and new employees, especially, nothing is more demoralising than a reporting manager who is unappreciative of their performance and pointedly overlooks their contribution to the team and to the organisation. Sometimes, going as far as belittling their work and pinpointing faults even when they work hard to meet deadlines and targets, achieve results, and ensure clients are more than satisfied with the service delivery.
This raises the question: What’s the point of seniority and experience if superiors let petty and insecure feelings get in the way of mentoring junior co-workers, recognising their accomplishments and creating a harmonious work environment?
Appreciation matters, indeed.
Because work without reward is like a journey without destination—it might keep us going for a while, but most of us will eventually find our way to a better job where we’d be valued for our work outcomes. Taken in sum, appreciation is the key to employee happiness.
© PocketfulofHappiness


Jan 12, 2024

This is so true! Appreciation makes a big difference. Some companies and managers think that just words will show appreciation. And they are important. But what really matters is how the employee is treated. Are the employee's ideas carefully heard? Is the employee thanked in an honest way? Is the employee supported in learning new things, and does the employee have what's necessary to do the job? That's how you show appreciation, in my opinion - not just the company memo 'lip service.'

Jan 18, 2024
Replying to

Margot, thank you for commenting. We agree, genuine appreciation in the workplace should go beyond mere words of praise and must be backed by incentives which, aside from promotions and pay hikes, should include those you mention including learning and development opportunities that enable employees to absorb new skills and advance their careers.

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