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25 items found for "communication"

  • How my career chose me

    I have been training students in communication skills, with emphasis on speaking with confidence and

  • Rediscovering the human touch in greetings

    Still, when it comes to greetings, it’s not the medium of communication that matters but the sentiment Forwards and text messages are the fastest, more efficient and widely used means of personal communication

  • 4 things to ask ourselves before we speak (or write)

    By embracing these values, we can cultivate an attitude of thoughtful and mindful communication, both

  • Pizza as an analogy for family

    But together, they can be a unifying force when it comes to moral support and encouragement, honest communication

  • The right way to greet people

    As a trainer of Communication Skills, I begin my sessions by discussing the importance of how we greet It has a positive impact, making you seem approachable and helps to cross communication barriers.

  • Spreading joy and positivity through writing

    Think before you speak. Or as the late US radio host Bernard C. Meltzer is believed to have said: “Before you speak ask yourself if what you are going to say is true, is kind, is necessary, is helpful. If the answer is no, maybe what you are about to say should be left unsaid.” Now what if you think before you write? I suppose it’d unfold like this: Before you write, ask yourself if what you’re about to pen is a good story idea, makes sense, is necessary, and helpful for your readers. If the answer is no, maybe what you’re about to write should be left unwritten. In these times of more writers and fewer readers, and trigger-happy social media posts, it might be prudent and logical to write when you have something really meaningful to share. In truth, you may not have a writing rule or you may not know when to give voice to your thoughts, but you certainly ought to write whenever you have a sudden burst of creativity, you feel inspired to write, you have something informative or insightful to share, you want a cathartic experience or when you think you can entertain or offer value to the readers. Dashiell Hammett, a noted American writer of hard-boiled detective fiction, put the personal writing journey into perspective: “If you have a story that seems worth telling, and you think you can tell it worthily, then the thing for you to do is to tell it,” he said. Writing, akin to other creative outlets like the visual arts, music, dance, acting, theatre and cooking, is a remarkable way to contribute positively to your own life and the lives of others. It helps you to find expression for your ideas, thoughts and emotions, and gives you a sense of purpose. Such is its influence, writing can keep your heart and mind young forever. In the words of Maya Angelou, the renowned American memoirist, poet and civil rights activist, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” She is encouraging you to share your voice and lift the weight of stories or experiences that are hidden inside you. Some of the best stories are those that uplift your readers' spirits and make you truly happy as a writer. Those are the ones that need to be told for they have the power to inspire and offer hope even on the darkest days. © Prashant C. Trikannad

  • Life, laughter and friendship

    need to open up a little and let the other person to know some more about us while allowing them to communicate These fall into the second category as we may not share common interests but we enjoy their company and Finally, friendship is about being with people who make us come alive, whom we can communicate with without

  • The power of genuine mistakes

    human error resulting from negligence or carelessness, a misunderstanding, improper information or communication

  • Why appreciation culture matters in the workplace

    How they perceive a junior associate’s success at work and how they communicate the same to the leadership

  • The Ganesha Arati Book

    It was declared winner in the Visual Communication category at the 9th CII Design Excellence Awards 2019

  • Three horror picks that weren't all that scary

    She claims she communicates with him through Christmas light bulbs and letters scrawled on the wall.  

  • 12 motivational quotes on the writing process

    What information, exactly, are you trying to communicate? And why should your audience care?"

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